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Online Forms

All of our fillable forms can be found below... fill out the ones necessary for the service(s) you are requesting

Forms: Files
Veterinary Clients
Payment & Services Agreement

Our commitment to deliver the best and most comprehensive patient care available to your pet is coupled with administrative staff available to assist you with understanding our policies and facilitating payment of your veterinary services. We cannot guarantee outcomes. Payment is due based on services rendered. 

We occasionally use compounded medications when FDA approved formulations or ingredients have limited availability or become unavailable. Compounded medications have not undergone FDA testing to prove efficacy. By giving us permission to treat your pet, you've agreed and understand this and also give permission to dispense and/or prescribe compound medications to your pet.

It is our policy that payment is due in full at or near the time services are rendered and invoiced. Payment can be made with cash, check, Credit Card, Scratch Pay or Venmo.


We utilize in house prescriptions or through Vetsource. Prescriptions filled elsewhere will have a $15 processing fee.

Accounts Past Due

In the event that an account becomes past due, we charge a monthly service fee of $10 minimum or 5% of the outstanding balance for balances older than 30 days, at 45 days past due, clients will be placed on URGENT CARE SERVICES ONLY status and any elective services must be veterinarian approved and paid in advance. At 60 days past due, accounts are subject to collections and/or legal proceedings as well as discontinuation of all services from Evermore Veterinary Clinic. It is the client's responsibility to pay the outstanding balance, late fees, interest charges, attorneys' fees, and court costs associated with collections and/or legal proceedings. Returned checks incur a $45 service charge added to the outstanding balance.

We believe that effective communication of fees and payment policy is vital to maintaining good working relationships. We encourage clients to ask for estimates of costs for all veterinary services prior to or at the time of the appointment. Costs do change due to supply chain and training requirements.

This payment & service policy allows us to minimize outstanding receivables, therefore allowing us to further invest in medical equipment, technology, and training to continue to provide state-of-the art care to the community. We appreciate your cooperation.


ScratchPay offers a variety of credit options specifically for veterinary expenses. We urge clients to apply, regardless of credit score, to help ease potential financial burden. Apply at


I authorize Evermore Services for Pets to provide veterinary care to my pets. I understand that should I fail to provide valid credit card information veterinary staff may not be able to perform routine or emergency services on my pet(s) and I may be required to make alternative arrangements. I am the account holder or an authorized user of the credit card. I agree to pay all costs and fees incurred with collection of debt. I have read, understand and agree to the terms of the Evermore Veterinary Clinic payment and service agreement and this authorization form.





Credit Card Information can be provided at time of service - this field is simply made available for ease of adding information to your account.

Do you agree to your pet being photographed

We Look Forward to Caring for your Pet(s)!

Boarding Client Application

This contract shall remain in force during all future boarding dates and will apply to any future new pet the owner acquires which may not be currently on file. This is a contract between Evermore Services for Pets (ESP) and the person or pet owner whose signature appears below, herein called the owner. ESP is committed to the highest standard of animal care and will not knowingly board any sick or injured pet. Prior to boarding, the pet owner, or his/her agent, agrees to provide veterinarian certification that the pet(s) to be boarded is current on all recommended vaccinations. 


1. Owner agrees to pay the current boarding rate per calendar day, from the date of arrival and through the date of departure. Example: Fri. -Sun. is 3 calendar days. Pets picked up prior to 3 p.m. on the departure day will not be charged for that day. 


2. Should your pet become ill or appear in need of medical attention, we reserve the right to administer aid and/or, to use our veterinarian. If an emergency number is provided by the owner, the owner will be contacted as soon as is reasonably possible. If medical treatment is needed, the owner agrees that any expenses resulting from the treatment of the owner's pet will be the responsibility of the pet owner. Owner agrees that any veterinarian involved with the care of said pet may release any medical information pertaining to said pet at any time before or after a boarding visit. These expenses will be in addition to any other charges due upon pets departure. 


3. Owner agrees their pet will not leave ESP until all charges are paid in full. Owner guarantees payment of all charges and fees related to the boarding of the owner's pet. 


4. ESP agrees to exercise reasonable care for your pet while boarding at our facility. 


5. The owner further agrees to be solely responsible and liable for any and all acts of behavior of their pet(s). This may include, but is not limited to, injury or death to a pet, injury or death to another pet(s), or injury or death to a staff member or any other member of the public. ESP does not assume and shall not be held liable for any damages which may accrue from any cause whatsoever, including loss of pet(s) by fire, theft, running away by the pet, or damage or loss of property (ours or yours) causes by the owners pet(s) while boarding at ESP.  


6. The owner represents to ESP that their pet(s) have not been exposed to Rabies, Distemper, Parvo, Bordetella, etc. within the pest 30 days prior to boarding at Evermore Services for Pets and is current for vaccinations. 


7. This contract contains the entire agreement between ESP and the pet(s) owner and all terms and conditions of this contract shall remain binding. 


8. If for any reason all fees and charges are not paid and it is necessary to pursue collection of said fees and charges through civil action, the owner agrees that all related collection expenses and other costs shall be paid by the owner of the pet(s). 


9. The pet(s) owner agrees to notify Evermore Services for Pets 24 hours in advance if there will be any change in the agreed to departure day and time. 


10. The pet(s) owner agrees that if he/she fails to pick up their pet(s) on the departure date or as agreed or fails to pay boarding charges and fees when due, their pet(s) may be turned over to the local animal control officer 7 days after the scheduled departure date. 


11. 4. By signing this contract and boarding your pet at Evermore Services for Pets, the owner certifies that all information given about the owner's pet(s) is true and accurate. 

Having read all of the above, I hereby agree by my signature below:

Please Note - Credit Card Information can be provided at time of service - this field is simply made available for ease of adding this information to your account.

Do you agree to your pet being photographed

We Look Forward to Your Pet(s) Staying with Us!

Grooming Client Application

Liability and Waiver Form

This contract shall remain in force during all future grooming dates and will apply to any future new pet the owner acquires which may not be currently on file.

This is a contract between Evermore Services for Pets and the person or pet owner whose signature appears below, herein called the owner. Evermore Services for Pets is committed to the highest standard of animal care and will not knowingly groom any sick or injured pet.  Prior to grooming, the pet owner, or his/her agent, agrees to provide veterinarian certification that the pet(s) to be groomed is current on all recommended vaccinations.

1. Owner agrees to pay the current grooming rate, and understands that it may vary based on coat condition and temperament..

2. Should your pet become ill or appear in need of medical attention, we reserve the right to administer aid and/or, to use our veterinarian. If an emergency number is provided by the owner, the owner will be contacted as soon as is reasonably possible. If medical treatment is needed, the owner agrees that any expenses resulting from the treatment of the owner's pet will be the responsibility of the pet owner. Owner  agrees that any veterinarian involved with the care of said pet may release any medical information pertaining to said pet at any time before or after a boarding visit. These expenses will be in addition to any other charges due upon pets departure.

3. Owner agrees their pet will not leave Evermore Services for Pets until all charges are paid in full. Owner guarantees payment of all charges and fees related to the grooming of the owner's pet.

4. By signing this contract the owner certifies that all information given about the owner's pet(s) is true and accurate.

5. Evermore Services for Pets agrees to exercise reasonable care for your pet while at our facility.

6. The owner further agrees to be solely responsible and liable for any and all acts of behavior of their pet(s). This may include, but is not limited to, injury or death to a pet, injury or death to another pet(s), or injury or death to a staff member or any other member of the  public. Evermore Services for Pets does not assume and shall not be held liable for any damages which may accrue from any cause whatsoever, including loss of pet(s) by fire, theft, running away by the pet, or damage or loss of property (ours or yours) causes by the owners pet(s) while boarding at Evermore Services for Pets.

7. The owner represents to Evermore Services for Pets that their pet(s) have not been exposed to infectious diseases prior to being presented at Evermore Services for Pets.

8. This contract contains the entire agreement between Evermore Services for Pets and the pet(s) owner and all terms and conditions of this contract shall remain binding.

9. If for any reason all fees and charges are not paid and it is necessary to pursue collection of said fees and charges through civil  action, the owner agrees that all related collection expenses and other costs shall be paid by the owner of the pet(s).

10. The pet(s) owner agrees to notify Evermore Services for Pets 24 hours in advance if there will be any change to appointment, a no show fee may be applied to account if habitual.

11. Owner understands that if the pet is too matted to groom comfortably for the that the pet may be shaved.

Having read all of the above, I hereby agree by my signature below:

Please Note - Credit Card Information can be provided at time of service - this field is simply made available for ease of adding this information to your account.

Do you agree to your pet being photographed

We Look Forward to Your Pet(s) Staying with Us!

Boarding Pet Forms

Dog Boarding Form

If you have a dog staying with us fill out this form - One Per Dog

Cat Boarding Form

If you have a cat staying with us fill out this form - One per Cat

Grooming Pet Forms

Dog Grooming Information

If you would like your dog groomed fill out this form - note that we will only groom dogs that tolerate it well. Inquire with the veterinarian if your dog needs sedation to be groomed.

Cat Grooming Information

If you would like your cat groomed fill out this form - note that we will only groom cats that tolerate it well. Inquire with the veterinarian if your cat needs sedation to be groomed.

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